Saturday, July 19, 2008

My Jumping Belly

Eli was having a very active night last night and I decided to try to capture some of his acrobatics on video. The first video is short, only about two minutes and you can see him move a little. I took a second video but it's too long for Blogger. It shows him moving a little bit more than this one. You can get the idea of how active Eli is though from this video-and he ALWAYS moves around the most at night! I better get my rest while I can :)

*Note: Obviously you see me breathing, but any other movement is him. He's going to play sports for sure!


  1. WOW - talk about active...I do need to start taking geritol now.

  2. SOOOO cool! Enjoy it while you can!!! I miss that soooo much! It's so much fun to feel them moving inside and see God's power!

  3. I think we all may need new running shoes, but I can't wait.

  4. Yeah, you pretty much better start setting extra money aside for all the shoes this kid is going to burn through in a few years!

  5. Oh I remember watching my tummy move like that! Sometimes I feel stuff in my stomach and automatically assume it's the baby. Then I remember...he's out!
