Monday, June 22, 2009

Getting Into Everything

Life these days at the Wilson household has been a lot of fun. Eli is having a blast finally getting his hands on everything in our house that for months he's only been able to stare at and dream about one day touching. He does not stay in one spot very long and is intent about seeing just how many bruises and bumps he can get on his poor little head. You'll see a couple in some of these pictures, in fact. He thinks he is so much bigger than his britches, but you can see how proud he is of himself every time he pulls himself up on yet another piece of furniture. Josh and I have tried to make our home conducive to all his exploring, but Eli always seems to find a way to live a little dangerously. He is crawling everywhere and, during the day, will follow me from room to room as I do chores (don't laugh, Josh!). Eli has an infectious laugh and now every time he spots something he wants and begins to crawl towards it, he lets out a loud squawk and then races to get what he spotted. I am enjoying being home with him so much! I can't believe how fast summer is flying by, so I'm going to make sure that I enjoy each and every day with my little man :) Here are a few pictures of Eli and all the fun he's been having exploring!

Eli playing peek-a-boo under his exersaucer

Who knew dining room chairs were such a delicacy?

I probably had just told him "No" about something he wanted.

Turning on the DVD player. I guess he was ready for some Baby Praise.

Trying Gerber Puffs for the very first time. I love this face!

Baby Jerry Lee Lewis playing his piano (ALWAYS standing up, of course!)

What happens when you try to play with two toys at once?

You get S-T-U-C-K!
(Don't worry, I rescued him after I took this picture)

The face I get when a certain little boy wants Mommy's camera and she
does not give it to him.

But his obsession with Daddy's iPhone and Mommy's Blackjack did earn him
his very own Motorola cell phone. It's one of my old ones, but he doesn't care!

Eli's new favorite sport: Guitar case jumping
He LOVES to crawl on top and over Josh's guitar case all the time.


  1. Oh! Drew thinks our dining room chairs,end tables, and his crib rails are rare delicacies as well!

    I was scared people would think I abused Drew with all the bruises he gets. I guess I STILL feel that way some times! As soon as one facial bruise fades, he replaces it with another! Poor guys!

    Eli is so cute--I just wanna kiss his cheeks off!

  2. Just wanted to say how cute I think your blog header is (of course the family is adorable too). I'll confess that I linked through from The Design Girl site because she's getting ready to do my blog so I'm "researching" layouts, etc. that I like. Happy blogging...

  3. such cute pictures! i love how his hair is different in almost everyone of them.........he's one lucky little boy. if he gets tired of one hairstyle, just do it a different way! the best part is, they are ALL cute! =) i'm definitely loving this stage...little nervous at times, but it's so fun to watch them discover and figure things out on their own (even if they do have the bruises to show for it and chew up everything in sight)! so fun!
