Reminding Mo that he needs to be quiet, too.
We got called back to the room and Eli passed the time waiting for Dr. R playing with the beads. This was actually the first time that he even expressed interest in the bead toy. Mostly, he likes to shred paper, which he did eventually do, but I was happy that he was able to direct his attention to a toy first.
He was in a particularly good mood, so I started asking him to point to different body parts.
Belly (look at him grabbing those rolls!)
And then we were SO OVER pointing to body parts and decided to shred paper instead, which is WAY MORE FUN!
Dr. R made it back to the room and Eli had a perfect check-up. Here are his 15 month old stats:
Weight: 22 lbs. 11 oz. (25th percentile)
Height: 30 1/2 in. (50th percentile)
Head: 18 3/4 in. (75th percentile)
I told Josh with these measurements, he sounds like a caricature. A tall, skinny minny body and a big head :)
He sat so perfectly for her and did such a good job. While she and I were talking, he was so intent on getting down so he could walk around. I just kept him this way while we waited on the nurse to bring him his shots, too.
He got the dreaded shots (only 2) and only cried for a few seconds. Here he is pointing to his band-aids, which he promptly ripped off after these pictures. What a TOUGH guy!
Love the rolls on the tummy. Ha. He and Sara Madalin are about the same size now. I think she's a few pounds heavier, but I think they are the same height.