Sunday, October 17, 2010

A Visit From Nicki and Jonah

When Josh and I first moved to Vidalia in 2005, I didn't know anyone other than family. Josh had grown up in Vidalia his entire life, so he knew everyone! It was a little unnerving at first, but I'm by nature a loner, so I dealt with it okay. I found a job and made a few friends there, but no one really close at first. The pastor of our church at the time was good friends with Josh's family so I got to be around him and his wife, Nicki, quite a bit. She and I hit it off great from the beginning. In fact, it's hard to even think back to when she wasn't my friend.

Not long after the school year started, Nicki and Dan found out they were pregnant. We were all so happy for them because they had been told for years that they would never be able to have children. For nine months, I was with Nicki as she dreamed and planned for when her precious little boy would enter this world. The day he was born I had the wonderful privilege to be the one to take pictures of him. In the weeks following his birth, I was usually at their house two or three times a week to see Nicki and to hold Jonah.

It was around this time that I really started wanting a child of my own. I can remember pouring out my heart to Nicki about all the things I wanted to do as a Mommy and how hard Mother's Days were becoming for me and how it seemed everyone was getting pregnant except me. I truly believe God brings certain people into our lives at the right time for specific reasons. No one understood my feelings better than Nicki. She had lived those same fears and same worries for years and she knew exactly what to say and how to comfort me. She was a real encouragement to me during this time in my life in so many ways. Over the next two years, I got to be a part of her family as she and Dan raised Jonah. I changed diapers, read books, put him down for naps, went to birthday parties and Christmases, and did many other things with Jonah. He was my "practice baby" if you will :) Being around him made me so happy, but it also deepened my desire to have a child of my own. I kept praying and hoping that one day it would happen for Josh and me.

In March 2008, I found out that I was pregnant. I was ECSTATIC and the first person I called was Nicki. She was shocked beyond belief but so happy for me. Over the next nine months, she was there for me as I dreamed and planned for Eli to arrive. She helped me with my blog, she was there at all my showers, she took pictures for me, she helped me register, she helped me organize my nursery. It was so much fun having her there with me throughout my pregnancy. She knew more than anyone how much it meant to me. The day I delivered Eli, Nicki was the one who took pictures for me. She got to be a part of my special day just like I had been a part of hers two years before that :)

Ten months after I had Eli, Nicki called me one Saturday night to let me know that she and Dan had accepted a job as pastor at a new church in Florida. I was shocked and a little upset. I couldn't believe that she was going to be moving so far away. I'd never had a friend move away in my life and it really didn't feel that great. Thankfully though since we live in the technological age, I knew that we'd still be able to keep up with each other's lives through the computer and the phone. So for the past year, that's what we've done. We email, call, text, and chat whenever we can and our friendship has stayed strong. I miss her like crazy, but I'm thankful that we can stay in touch as much as we have and with both of us having a blog, it really helps! We still get to watch each other's little boys grow up even from hundreds of miles away from each other.

A few weeks ago, I got a text from Nicki that said, "Guess what!" Well, the last time she'd said something like that she'd just found out she was pregnant with Baby #2 and since he was still in her tummy, I figured she'd just found out she was going to deliver him earlier than expected. NOPE! She and Jonah were going to make a surprise trip to Vidalia!! WHAT!?!? I was so excited!!! I couldn't believe that I was going to get to see them both again.

I anticipated the day they would arrive and Sunday when they did I was so happy. Eli and I hurried over to Zue-Zue's house to see them and spend time with them. Once we were there it seemed like no time had passed between us. I mean, obviously it had since both of our boys were so big compared to the last time we'd seen each other, but it was like she and I just picked up right where we left off. It was great! Over the next two days, Eli and I saw them every day after school and usually every night for dinner, too. Jonah and Eli bonded so much during their visit and it made my heart hurt seeing how well they got along and played together. I know they would have been best buds if they still lived here. Eli was enamored with Jonah and Jonah got to practice being a big brother with Eli. He's going to be a great big brother, by the way. He and Eli played and played and played. It was so much fun getting to watch our two little boys having fun together. For so many years she and I had dreamed of having those two little boys and now they were playing and having fun with each other right in front of our very own eyes. What precious blessings from God those two boys are!

Tuesday night I was so sad to say goodbye to them again, but hopefully I'll get to see them in person again very soon. It was so great to see you again, Nicki. I hate that I can't be there when Micah is born, but know that my thoughts and prayers are going to be with you, my friend! I can't wait to see pictures of your two precious boys on the blog. I'm so glad you got to visit before you had Micah. It was so good seeing my friend again! Love you both so much!

Jonah was in Big Brother mode their entire stay.
He held Eli's hand so Eli would know where to go and what to do.
Eli followed "Jone-Jone" (Jonah) around everywhere and did everything he did.

Eli saying "Cheese!"

This picture melts my heart. God has blessed us both SO MUCH!

At one point, Eli went outside and didn't see anyone he knew until he spotted Nicki. He ran up to her and said, "Nick-Nick!" He was so happy to see a familiar face!

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