Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentine's Package for Eli

When Eli and I got home yesterday there was a package waiting for him by the door. It was from his Grammy and Pop in Shreveport! We hurried inside so we could open it. I put Eli in his Bumbo seat and told him that he had a Valentine's surprise from his Grammy and Pop. He was very excited and couldn't wait to open it!

We opened the card and I read it to Eli, but he was hungry and was much more interested in how it tasted than what it said. Don't worry, Grammy and Pop. It's been saved for the baby book, so one day he'll go back and read what you said :)

Inside the box, Eli had LOTS of Valentine's Day surprises. Grammy and Pop got him the book "Goodnight Gorilla" and sent along a gorilla that looks like the one in the book. The gorilla tried to give Eli a hug, but he was more interested in seeing what it tasted like than hugging it.

Grammy and Pop also sent Eli a cute red onesie that has a necktie printed on it and a pair of matching pants. They look so cute. I can't wait for him to wear them. Thanks Grammy and Pop for all the great Valentine's Day presents. We love you!!

1 comment:

Jimmy Hibbs said...

Does your heart good to see a father and son playing..

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