Monday, January 18, 2010

A Rare Moment of Stillness

About the only time that Eli ever gets still is when he watches Praise Baby. Lately, Praise Baby has been one of his favorite things to do. I seriously think he could watch it over and over and over and over...well, you get the point. We don't let him do that, of course, but he does watch it about once a day. Those of you that follow the blog know how much he has always loved Praise Baby. Now though he actually requests to watch it and it is the cutest thing in the world. It usually happens something like this...we walk into the living room. He immediately runs up to the TV, points to it, and then while looking back at us, says, "Baby?", and then grins from ear to ear. We tell him to go get his chair (his beanbag) and he pulls it onto the rug and tries to climb into it. We help him nestle in, give him a sippy cup of milk, a blanket, and he is set. When those first notes begin to play, the expression on his face is simply precious! Nicki recommended Praise Baby to us before Eli was born and just like her I recommend it for anyone with a baby. It's definitely been a blessing for us!


labride said...

I've already told Laura we are getting it for Joshua. He already seems to like music, how early did you start playing it for Eli?

theglenns556 said...

LOVE IT! It brings back such sweet memories from those days with my Jonahbug!

Anonymous said...

What a BEAUTIFUL little boy!

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