Monday, October 4, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday, Hannah!

On Saturday, September 25, our family went to the Hargon's house for little Miss Hannah's second birthday party. It's so hard to believe that all these babies are turning two this year! Where did the past two years go? Eli and Hannah are in the same class at school and they've been around each other since they were born, so we didn't want to miss out on her special day! We got there a little late because Eli took a late nap and ate a late lunch, but after those two things were out of the way, we headed to the Hargon's house.

Hannah's mom, Diane, decorated their backyard so cute and had lots of pink and yellow balloons everywhere. They had a HUGE water slide and several little kiddie pools for all the kids to play and swim in. Eli was somewhat reluctant at first to do anything involving water-SO NOT HIM!-so we found other things for him to do. The John Deere riding lawn mower was a good first choice, very manly, you know, but it didn't move at all, so he quickly moved on to the next riding toy.

He decided to give the ol' Inchworm a try. The Inchworm also moved too slowly.

Then our son found the perfect vehicle for his enjoyment...a pink Barbie Jeep! Nothing says, "I'm a man!" like a pink Barbie Jeep. This was perfect in his book. He went all over their backyard in this thing.

He let the Barbie Jeep rest for a few minutes while he and Hannah spent some time bouncing on the trampoline. We're definitely going to have to work on some of his gross motor skills, but he had a blast hopping, skipping, and falling down anyway.

After their bouncing fun was over, Eli decided to take the birthday girl for a little ride around their house in her Barbie Jeep.

Not to be outdone, Hannah quickly showed Eli that she knew exactly how to drive her Jeep and took him for a spin around the house, too!

After more playing outside, it was finally time for cake and ice cream. We all sang "Happy Birthday" to Hannah and watched her open presents. She got lots of cute, girly things and seemed to really enjoy each and every one.

Thanks for inviting us to your party, Hannah! We had a wonderful time! Happy Birthday!!!

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