Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Muffins and Juice

Remember a few posts ago what I said about wanting to slow things down? Yeah, so that didn't happen until after the first weekend in November because a certain little boy was turning 3 years old. 3!! How in the world has it been 3 years since this sweet little boy was placed in our arms? I am always stunned at how fast his little years are passing by, and once again, I am so thankful for this blog. It is such a wonderful "time capsule", if you will, of everything precious, momentous, special, and funny that has happened since the moment we found out we were expecting Eli. I'm so glad it has all my thoughts, recollections, and memories in one place so that he'll have it to read one day :) 

Friday, November 4th, I took the day off from work so that I could do things to get ready for Eli's party the next day. My original plan was to take cupcakes to Eli's school later on that afternoon, but those plans were cancelled when I found out that his school was having Grandparents' Day the same day. I was upset at first because I didn't think I'd be able to celebrate his birthday with him at school, but then I came up with a Plan B. I asked his teacher if it would be okay to bring muffins and juice when Eli got to school that morning and then I'd be gone before the grandparents started arriving. She said that'd be perfect :)

My sweet birthday boy

Mrs. Paige called Eli up to the front and had him sit in her lap. She asked him how old he was going to be on his birthday and he told her. Then she had all his friends sing Happy Birthday to him. It was so cute! He sat there and smiled so proudly! After the song was over, all the kids went to their seats to eat their muffins and juice. 

Eli and Mrs. Paige

I gave my birthday boy hugs and kisses and then darted out before the grandparents started arriving. I'm so glad I was able to celebrate my little boy's birthday with him at school with his friends. 

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