Sunday, January 27, 2013

Gender Reveal Party for Baby Higgins

Our family seems to be growing by leaps and bounds and the other day we got to celebrate another precious little life we're going to get to love on and adore. Jordan and Jim invited all our family and close friends to their house for a gender reveal party for their new baby they're expecting. 

The big reveal cake

Josh and Jordan

Once everyone was there we all gathered around and waited patiently for Jordan and Jim to cut the cake. They had just started to cut into the cake when Mamaw told them to stop. She had to get Papaw on the phone so he could hear what they were having. He was too weak to leave the house, but no one wanted him to miss hearing what his next great-grandbaby was going to be.

They sat there patiently holding the knife in place until Mamaw told them Papaw was listening.

Once they got the okay, they proceeded to cut again. They cut through the first slice and Jordan peeked to see what color was on the inside...

To say Jordan was surprised is quite the understatement. I'm so glad I caught her exact expression when she saw that the inside was PINK!

In a few short months, we'll have another sweet, little girl to love on!

Jordan and a lot of people there were convinced before the cake was cut that she was carrying a little boy this time, but we were all wrong. Instead of snips and snails and puppy dogs tails, it's going to be sugar and spice and everything nice :)

You can tell she's still processing the news that she's having another little girl.

Addi is so excited she's getting a sweet baby to love on!

It took Jordan awhile to get over her shock, but once she did she was so happy. I was so glad I was able to be there to document this important day for her and Jim. Hopefully, I'll be able to document their sweet, little girl's entrance into the world in a few months as well :) Congratulations you guys! We love you!

1 comment:

Penny said...

Perfect! Now they'll have two of each! :) I remember being 12 and living in Jim's grandparents' trailer park. Jim was born during the time we lived there. His mom, Pam, would let me get him and keep him for hours when she was minding the store there. He was just a couple of months old. He was the best, sweetest little thing! :)

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