It's been a long time since I've posted. Here's my apology to those of you who check this site regularly and have noticed there haven't been any changes. Life has been very busy lately. School ended May 23. YAY! I'll vouch that teachers need the break just as much, if not more, than students do. I'm moving into a new classroom at school, so the last couple of weeks of school were spent moving 3 years of stuff I have accumulated in my old room to my new, BIGGER classroom. I'm also the adviser of our school's yearbook and my first deadline was this past Monday. I've been spending about 4 hours a day creating layout pages and uploading pictures. To add to my growing list of things, I'm also co-director of our church's VBS, which is going GREAT, by the way; so I've been busy painting, decorating, meeting, planning, and coordinating that event. Not that I am complaining by any means about my schedule. I like to stay busy. I just wanted to let you know why the updates have not been coming regularly. VBS will be over this Friday and I don't have anything else major going on until SMACK (Summer Music Activity Camp for Kids) begins later this July, so I should be able to post more frequently. Keep your fingers crossed!
This is my catch up blog. I've got belly pictures from several weeks back that I want to post before I post any new ones. I also have a sonogram picture from when I was 15 weeks pregnant. The baby is growing so fast. November is going to get here before we know it!
14 weeks
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