Wednesday, November 5, 2008

40 weeks 3 days


40 weeks and 3 days...I must say when I first found out I was pregnant, I didn't think I'd still be pregnant at this point. My little boy, however, has decided that he likes his comfy home and would like to stay there as long as possible. Unfortunately for him, our doctor has decided that he doesn't need to stay there any longer. He's cooked long enough and he's done! LOL! Tomorrow morning Josh and I are going to go to the hospital to be induced. I, for one, am happy to just know that there is an end in sight. Last week, as those of you that follow the blog know, was my first week of maternity leave. All week I "nested" with the hopes that by the weekend I would have a baby. Things didn't go quite according to my plan. I even walked briskly every single day last week hoping to walk Eli out. Boy! Is he stubborn or what? We made it through the weekend with no baby and to our doctor's appointment Monday morning, my actual due date. Dr. Carey checked me and said I hadn't really progressed any more and that he recommended inducing. We originally had decided, if we were given the option to induce, that we wanted to induce Wednesday so we could be out of the hospital before the weekend. Dr. Carey checked and Wednesday wasn't good with the hospital but Thursday was. So, November 6, 2008, should be Eli Daniel Wilson's birthday. How exciting!!!

Today is our last day as adults without children. WOW! I think it's finally hit Josh. He keeps saying things like, "That was our last breakfast as a couple," "Today's my last day before I become a father," "Tonight will be the last night we sleep in our house without kids". Josh bought me the book "What to Expect the First Year" and he's been reading up on what to do with the baby once we have him. I think it's finally real for him :) I'm not worried at all though. He's going to be a wonderful Daddy to little Eli! I will admit that it's weird to think that tonight I will go to sleep with Eli still tucked safely away in my belly, but tomorrow night he will be out and in my arms! How a good way, I mean. It just blows my mind to think that this little person that has been growing and moving inside me for 9 months (really 10 months if you do the math) is going to be placed in my arms sometime tomorrow. How surreal! In some ways, it seems so long ago that we first found out we were expecting, but now it's here! It's really and truly time for Eli to come out!

Nicki is going to be posting for me while I am in the hospital so be sure to check back tomorrow afternoon or tomorrow night. There should be pictures of Eli on the blog by then. For now, please say a prayer that everything goes according to plan tomorrow. Pray for me, Josh, Eli, the doctors and nurses and everyone that is going to be involved in the delivery. Pray for family and friends that will be driving in for this momentus occasion. Josh and I are excited but nervous (as I think all couples expecting a baby are) to welcome our son into this world. He is a gift from God and we could not be happier.


Katie said...

As soon as I saw the pictures, the first thing I thought was "This is the last day you'll take a belly picture"! Funny how things like that go through our heads. Oh, and even though I don't know Nicki, I'm SO excited that she will have status updates and pics ready for us! YEAH NICKI!

Before you and Josh have Eli, I just wanted to let you know that I'm so excited for two, and what I know about you (and what I've gathered about Josh), I know that you guys will be excellent parents. I know that you've been waiting a long time for this. Less than 24 hours isn't too much time. My prayers are with you!

Denise Darnell Davis said...

I'm so excited for you both!! I can't wait to hear all the details!! I only have a little less than four months left and I feel like time is flying by! Good Luck tomorrow!!

Audra Laney said...

Bless your soul. Seriously. I know you're probably aching--physically for your body and mentally to hold Eli! Tomorrow will be the greatest day of your lives! His cry will be the most beautiful sound to ever grace your ears and you will forever have your heart stolen! Congratulations!

4 J's said...

I am one of those "blog stalkers". I am friends with Nicki and have been following your blog for a while now. I am praying for you tomorrow. Children are such a blessing and I remember feeling the same way you do the night before I was induced with both of my girls. Good luck and I can't wait to see pictures of Eli!

Cheryl said...

i'm so excited for you guys!! i still remember ALL those feelings that you are was exactly 6 weeks ago to the day that I had Brody. how fun! =) we remembered all our "lasts" as well, but it's even more special having him here. now we have all the "firsts"! i have been praying for you, josh, and eli and will continue to do so all day today! i can't wait to see the pictures of your precious little boy! i feel like i know him already! =) you are BOTH going to be terriic parents!!!! enjoy your special day today!!! thanks, nicki, for posting!

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