Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Eli's ACTUAL 4th Birthday

The night before Eli's actual 4th birthday I blew up some balloons, attached them to streamers, and hung them on his door. I wanted him to have a big surprise when he woke up in the morning! He loved the balloons and before leaving for school, he took some pictures in front of his door. 

 Josh and I were both off from work so we ran errands around town, voted, and then went back to Eli's school to have lunch with him and his friends. He also requested that we bring cupcakes for his friends to celebrate his birthday. This was Josh's first and last time to be in a classroom of 3 year olds for an extended period of time. It was quite funny to watch, especially when every kid in the classroom personally introduced themselves to Josh and then proceeded to tell him their mommy's and daddy's names, what their favorite color was, and how old they were. Josh handled it all very well though.

Once centers were over, everyone moved to their tables for lunch. Eli got to wear a special birthday hat. He was so excited about that! When everyone was finished with their lunch, they sang "Happy Birthday" to him and then they got to eat cupcakes. 

His teacher, Mrs. Paige, took a picture of the three of us before we left for the day. Since all he had left to do for the day at school was take a nap we went ahead and checked him out of school. We went home and all took a long nap! It had been a busy weekend for all of us and we were all quite exhausted!

Happy Birthday, Eli! You are growing up so fast. I am so proud of you! You are such a smart, funny, sweet, kind, and precious little boy! Your Daddy and I are so happy that God chose us to be your parents. We can't wait to celebrate many more birthdays with you!

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