Thursday, June 5, 2014

Grant's Super 4th Birthday

At the beginning of May our family went to Grant's superhero 4th birthday party. It's hard to believe that this sweet little boy is already 4 years old! Time is flying by way too quickly!

Eli was very excited because he got to dress up as Batman again. He always loves getting to dress like his favorite superhero! He was even more excited when we got to their house and saw that there was a bounce house! He went straight to it after we drove up without even changing into his costume.

While Eli was jumping, I started taking pictures of all of the decorations. Jessie did a great job once again with the party planning. Everything looked great!

Jessie's Papaw is just the cutest! 

Pretty soon Eli was ready to change into his Batman costume. It only seemed fitting for him to take a picture with the giant Batman balloon :)

Addison was Wonder Woman!

GraceAnn looked cute in her super outfit :)

Jessie had one activity station where she had frozen superheroes in blocks of ice. The kids were supposed to get a water gun and "save the superhero" by squirting the ice until it melted. The kids decided they'd make their own fun by squirting other people though ;)

As you can see, Grant wasn't too keen on being a soaked superhero. 

This adorable face was the little culprit :) Sweet little Scott

Jordan, GraceAnn, and Jessie

Drew, Scott's older brother

Jessie and Will

Me and Jess

Wanda, Jessie, Brian, and Sara
(Jessie's family)

Brett Daniel loved climbing in the bounce house :)

Reve and Brian
(Quick back story: Brian is Josh's cousin. Reve is Josh's loan assistant. They were both single. Josh played matchmaker. Now they're a cute little couple!)

Jessie proved that she was still a kid at heart...


After jumping in the bounce house, snacking on party food, and having a water gun fight, it was time for cake! Grant posed with his superhero cake before we sang Happy Birthday to him. 

Such a sweet little family :)

Grant asked for a new puppy for his birthday and he got it. Meet Erik, Grant's new chocolate lab. He spent the party snoozing away. Sweetest little puppy ever :)

After the birthday cake, Jessie had another superhero activity for the kids. She gathered them in the house and told them the plan. They were the superheroes. Mr. Will (Grant's dad) was the villain. They had to use silly string to capture the villain. The kids were all in!

Haha! Look at Eli's face!

Grant LOVED seeing his Daddy covered in silly string!

What a great sport!

After successfully capturing the villain with the silly string, the last activity was the Batmobile piƱata.  

A few kids took swings at it and nothing happened. Then it was Scott's turn and he made it rain...candy that is! 

It was a great superhero birthday party! Happy Birthday Grant! Hope to see you again soon!

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