Sunday, December 21, 2008

Weekend Fun

This weekend was very busy for us. Saturday after Eli's photo session with Nicki and Jonah, we went over to Tammy and Clare's house for dinner to celebrate Sue's birthday. Dan, Nicki, and Jonah came, too, and brought their Wii for everyone to play with after we finished eating. Josh and I were very excited about playing with the Wii. We have actually thought about buying one, but just have never taken the plunge. Dinner was delicious! We had fried turkey, dressing, green bean casserole, yeast rolls, fruit salad, and sweet potatoes. It was wonderful! Eli had just eaten before we left, so he snoozed all through the meal and woke up in time for dessert--for us, not him! Sue baked a chocolate cake with buttercream frosting...Yummy! Eli just had mommy milk from a bottle. Nicki offered to feed him and I gladly agreed. For some reason, my little man has decided that he doesn't like bottles anymore and would rather just eat from me. This is sweet and all, but not very practical since I'm going back to work in 6 weeks. He's going to have to learn to take milk from a bottle because he's not going to be able to eat from me directly anymore once I start working again. We had tried the bottle earlier that day to no avail, so we thought that a new environment and a new person feeding him might help him overcome his aversion to the bottle. It worked for a little bit. Nicki was able to get him to take 1 oz. of milk before he decided to sleep instead of eat.

Eli snoozing on Nick-Nick
He was out!

So, while he snoozed we all got out the Wii and started playing. Dan, Josh, and I started off with a game of bowling. I'm normally not one to brag, but in this case I will make an exception...I beat the socks of those two! I won by a landslide! I just wish I was as good in real life as I was on the Wii. In real life, Josh smokes me every time we bowl. After bowling, we tried our hand at tennis. Unfortunately, I was HORRIBLE at tennis. I couldn't hit the ball with a forehand at all; I could just backhand every single ball and even then I hit it out every time.

Bowling on the Wii
Notice my nice bowler's form--that's the reason I smoked these two!

Eli woke up during our tennis game hungry again, so this time Dan tried to get him to take the bottle. Nicki said Dan was great at getting Jonah to eat when he was a baby. Eli though wasn't in the mood for a bottle and put up quite a fight even with Dan. (I eventually caved and just fed him because the poor little guy was starving. I decided to save the bottle war for another day.)

Dan trying to feed Eli.

While Dan was attempting to feed Eli, Josh and I both took our turn at boxing on the Wii. Wow! What a workout! Laugh all you want at these pictures. I know how ridiculous we look, especially me, but it doesn't even compare to seeing us try to box. I was floating like a butterfly and stinging like a bee and eventually won, but I was worn out by the end of Round 3. I've always wanted to learn how to kickbox, but who knew it would be so much work? LOL! I wouldn't last very long in a kickboxing class that's for sure. Josh did much better than me. He fought 3 or 4 opponents and won every time. Go babe!

Thanks, Nicki, for capturing this "great" picture of me :)
I really look like I know what I'm doing.

Sunday afternoon was pretty busy for us, too. With Josh's family all scattered across the state, it's hard to get everyone together at one time. Josh's grandmother knew that getting everyone together for the holidays would be almost impossible, so she decided to have everyone over this weekend to eat and to celebrate Josh's mom's birthday. We got there a little late, but as soon as we did I don't think I saw my child again! He was certainly the ladies man :) Josh's cousins, Sara and Jordan, had not gotten the chance to hold him yet and wanted their turn. Eli loved all the attention! He was so good! He even ate from a bottle all day! Josh and I had declared today Bottle Boot Camp Day and Eli ate like a champ! I'm just going to have to get used to pumping right before we feed him now, because I still want him to have breastmilk, just from a bottle now. He took a mini-nap on Sara and when he woke up he was all smiles. He was in such a good mood. He was laughing, smiling, and "talking" to everyone. He was especially intrigued by Josh's Papaw Chandler. He really made him laugh! I'm so glad today went well. Eli is getting better and better about being out in different environments. He didn't cry or fuss one time while we were gone today. Continue to pray that Bottle Boot Camp will work :)

Loving on Jess

Loving on Jordan
(I love this outfit, by the way. It says "Things I love: dirt, trucks, tractors, and Momma"

Peyton is saying "Baby?"
He was so sweet to Eli. He even offered him his juice bottle.

Loving on Sara

Snoozing on Sara in his favorite sleeping position

Playing with Papaw Chandler.
He was full of smiles for Papaw as evidenced in the next picture.

1 comment:

theglenns556 said...

Just saw this on link within. Makes me laugh! Those Wii nights are great memories.

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