Thursday, January 22, 2009

Church Nursery

Okay, so I know in a previous post I mentioned that our pediatrician recommended keeping Eli out of the nursery as long as we could, but I really wanted us to go to church last night as a family. Plus, I knew there wouldn't be nearly as many babies in the nursery on a Wednesday night like there are on a Sunday morning. So, we all went to church as a family last night. How fun!

Mr. Jon, Eli's self-proclaimed "Godfather", met us when I went to check him into the nursery. Eli had not seen Mr. Jon in several weeks and wasted no time in giving him lots of smiles. I guess they're kindred spirits. Can I just tell you how much fun it was for me to check Eli into the nursery? I know this sounds odd, but I loved writing his name on a nametag, labeling his bag, and receiving a pager. It made me really feel like a Mommy! Mr. Jon took Eli into the nursery and I went to meet Josh in church. It was so nice to be able to sit next to my husband and listen to the service without any distractions. Those of you who are parents know that there is a big difference in your attention span when your baby is in church with you as opposed to when he/she is not. I found out that I pay much better attention when Eli is in the nursery because I'm not so on edge and paranoid about him being too loud and disturbing others. We went to church last week and kept Eli with us and I honestly can't tell you a single thing that Dan said. Sorry, Dan. Eli was a little restless and I focused so much on keeping him content that I missed the entire message. I'm glad that our church has a nursery with so many wonderful volunteers that we can leave Eli in trusted hands while we listen to the message every week. Once the weather warms up a little more, we'll be using the nursery a lot!

As soon as the service was over, I went and got Eli. This is what I saw when I walked through the door. Do you think he had a good time or what? LOL! Mr. Jon and Eli bonded a lot while I was gone apparently. Eli was so comfortable he fell fast asleep!

1 comment:

Penny said...

You don't know me, but I'm a friend of Sue's and have known Josh since he was a teenager. I met you at Danny and Calley's wedding, too. I've never commented, but you asked for some a while back. I just wanted to tell you how beautiful Jami's portraits turned out. Your family is precious.
Also, Jon looks so sweet with Eli! Jon was my daughter Mallory's boss a few years ago. Such a nice man.
Just letting you know I enjoy your blog.
Penny Craft

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